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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Latest Diocesan News - Open conversation with the LGBT Community and the Church

Latest Diocesan News

The Episcopal Church of Greater Atlanta has taken a step forward in opening the door for conversations between the LGBT community and the Church. Commendations to those involved, and many blessings for the progress this will bring to the hearts of men, whose hearts are blocked by prejudice and ignorance. Christ be with you.

The questions they are asking are as follows:

1.      How have you, or someone you are close to, been impacted by the church on issues of sexuality and   gender identity?
2.      How do you perceive the mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta to and with LGBT people? How would you like the church respond to your experience? What do you need?
3.      What gifts do you have to share with the church, and how might the church be more receptive to the sharing of your gifts?
4.      What additional comments do you wish to share?

How would you answer these? Send me your response.

Click on the link to see their progress. Join the conversation.

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