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Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Gay Blog

The original idea for Gay Straight Talk came about with a friend of mine I met through my oldest son. My son worked at Nikimotos in Atlanta - sadly no longer open - and every Monday night they had Dragimaki. It became a favorite place for fun nights out, birthday celebrations, etc... My son was the favorite straight boy, and I made friends with the Queens.

We talked about the issues of coming out and being accepted, especially because I had recently come out and was looking for a new scene - where I could be around people like me. It was a comfort zone, and the only regular place to find it - for me at the time -was Nikimotos.

We started video taping for a series called "Gay Straight Talk" and interviewed people on LGBT issues on the set at Nikimotos. Everyone has an opinion, and no one can make it more hilarious than my good friend Diamond Monroe. We  had fun and were getting ready for production and airing when my truck was broken into and my equipment stolen - 2 lap tops, my brief case and the back up. So, the scripts and planning were pretty much gone. We would have had to start almost over.

Three things occurred to me during that weekend: 1) God always has a plan, 2) there was more that I wanted to say about God's relationship to the LGBT peoples, but mostly, 3) I was missing the ladies.

Unfortunately, all my friends were gay guys, and no offense intended, but I'm not into men. We have fun, but we are still very different. I needed to meet women and socialize more. Having only recently come out, I did not have a group of female friends that I could hang out with, or talk to about issues - both personal and political- or have part of the planning and production of GST. It was a huge gap.

As a result, I made the decision to set everything aside until I could fill in the missing pieces.

As usual, God answers prayer. I started working in the fall of 2009 in a place where probably 1/4 to 1/3 of the working population is gay - male and female, LGBT all the way. It is a unique environment. As I started taking a look around, I  began to notice the subtle differences in the women who were out and comfortable with themselves - how they dressed, how they carried themselves, how they interacted with each other. Honestly, I learned a lot.

It is one thing to grow up surrounded by straight people where that is the norm, and completely different to grow up in a mixed community of gay and straight where that is the norm. Coming out is huge when you feel like you are the only one like you - it is much different if you come out in an environment where you are the norm. There is so much freedom in being oneself.

One of the biggest things I have realized about myself is that I could never reach my full potential without being completely me. Being completely me means acknowledging who I am as a gay/bi-sexual woman. (I add them together because although I am very into women, every now and then there is that guy that makes my chemistry twinge. Sorry my favorite lesbian friends. I didn't make me.) Having come out and allowed myself to be me, feel me, think me, I have a second leash on life and am working towards and completing life long goals that have been burden on my brain. They have been a burden because no matter how hard I tried, I could not pull myself together to complete them. Now it is easy; its all me.

Therefore the Blog. This was a place created to talk about the issues - but, again, I was missing the ladies. Now that I know more of you, I can write and relate to you better. And so I shall:)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Coming Out and Being Me

Coming out later in life is a challenge to say the least. Jesus, I have kids who are grown and trying to figure out what the hell I am doing. Just going about my business and being me - for the first time. Well, kinda. I have always been "ballsy," as my mother would say, strong willed, and independent. But, this is different.

These days I acknowledge my preference - for women - without burying my attraction, ignoring it, or forcing it into my subconscious. Wow. This is living perfectly - which incidentally means living "wholly." Perfect - whole - complete.

I have had the privilege of living both as a heterosexual and homosexual - because I am bisexual. I have lived most of my life as a heterosexual, so I have heard all the comments, views, religious perspectives, politics, etc ... from this view. As a heterosexual, I didn't necessarily agree.

I didn't and don't agree that being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender is a "CHOICE," or a demonic spirit, or a sickness. I have always had friends of all sexual preferences and gender orientations, and had a special compassion for kids trying to deal with this in school. They know who they are at a very young age - for the most part - and try desperately to live in an unforgiving, uneducated, superstitious society.

It is better for this young generation because there has been more political exposure and media acceptance of the LGBT community. Religious institutions have been slow to catch on, and the conservative Christian right is still living in the stone ages. I am Episcopalian - an educated Christian who loves Christ more than anyone on the planet - guaranteed:)

Social media has opened the door for conversations and communication and given all people an opportunity to express themselves. This is a very lucky generation. There is so much open internet space, I have a hard time believing closets still exist. Where at one time not that long ago (just prior to 1993 - the dawn of the internet) you only knew about people and their "idiosyncrasies" if they lived near you or in your home town. Through social media we know now that LGBT people are everywhere all over the globe, and mostly in our hometowns. WE ARE OUT!!! :D (insert big cheesy grin) and it feels so good to be out.

Finally, I can reach my full potential because I am not forcing me down. If you force part of you down, you force all of you down. Only by being yourself, or me being myself, will you or I live fully. You can't live to please anyone because there will always be somebody you can't please. So be your self, and let the perfect creation God created in you fulfill its complete potential.